Berlin concert reviews
Donnerstag, 08. Feb 2018
that‘s what the paper‘s thought of the concert:
Matthias Nöther wrote in the Berlin Morgepost of February 5th: "[...] pearly virtuoso music, and for this, the Konzerthaus had engaged the perfect soloist:
Paganini's familiar A-minor theme [...] was played artfully by Anika
Vavic at the piano, not one note dropped under the Steinway keyboard
amidst the whirling action."
Frederik Hanssen, Tagesspiegel: "The delicacy with which the slow theme in the central section of the work unfolds under Anika Vavic's fingers is enchanting. In the brilliant passages, however, the pianist so selflessly subordinates herself to the overall sound that her playing threatens to founder amidst the symphonic tempest roiling around her."

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