From the crisis to the last musical thought - Beethoven, Shih, Chopin waltzing at the WDR3 on July 6th
03. 07. 2020 comments (0)

Tune into Beethoven’s bright, tender, heroic, epic, witty, phenomenal pieces composed in his most desperate year, lifting our spirits in a year like this 2020- what a lesson!
Exponential joy!
02. 07. 2020 comments (0)

Why not let dance illustrate a fairy tale we all know and see it through children’s eyes?
Schubert and Stradivari Shared the Garden
30. 06. 2020 comments (0)

What a beautiful week, last week! Such a joy playing together again with an amazing violinist and musician Rainer Honeck, the concertmaster of the Vienna Philharmonic / Wiener Philharmoniker ! Dietmar Grieser reading about Schiele, and us performing Bach, Beethoven, Schubert and Shih, with Shih himself joining us on the stage! I am so grateful for those moments and the audience, too!
Das Ö1 Konzert
19. 06. 2020 comments (0)

In the meanwhile some deeply missed music making with the orchestra - a dear reminiscence of the concert with the Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna and terrific Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla at the Vienna Konzerthaus with my beloved Scriabin Concerto...
Piano Festival Ruhr
17. 06. 2020 comments (0)

My first post-pandemic trip took me back to the Piano Festival Ruhr, Germany. It was a intense experience, a premiere in many ways.
Mozart through the flower zoom
16. 06. 2020 comments (0)

The art ,festival‘ in our garden continues - it was such joy performing with friends! Mozart‘s Piano Concerto KV 414 together with the Artis Quartett and Boris Eder reading Mozart’s Baesle-letters, ,Dissonanzen Quartett‘ and encore with Adrian Eröd singing his father‘s last opus made our audience more than happy! Looking forward to perforiming Schubert and Shih with Rainer Honeck next weekend!
Word, Music and Audience - together again
27. 05. 2020 comments (0)

The silence to which art was forced is not easy to accept. The audience as a counterpart in that we do is very much missed.
17. 04. 2019 comments (0)

Prokofiev´s 3rd Piano Concerto is one of my favourite pieces of music that I love and feel very close to, and it is a piece of music I was lucky to work on together with Slava Rostropovich on several occasions. Slava kept quoting his friend Prokofiev thus opening up a box full of surprises, secrets and images for me.
01. 03. 2019 comments (0)

Thank you Tobias Wögerer and GMJO for the wonderful concert - such a joy playing Rachmaninoff's Paganini with you!!!
Den Haag
29. 11. 2018 comments (0)

Meeting old friends and getting to know new ones - the wonderful Residentie Orkest and Maestro Jun Maerkl !Looking forward to our tomorrow’s performance of Prokofjev‘s 3rd Piano Concerto. Another old sparkling pearly friend, by the way...
"Ich hab noch einen Koffer in Berlin"
08. 02. 2018 comments (0)

This is the title of an old Berlin song …. „ I still have a suitcase in Berlin“ … well, it is more that I took a lot with me ...
Italian premiere of Kancheli's 'Sio' and Shoctakovich's 2nd PC in Milan
13. 11. 2017 comments (0)

Here is Ambrogio, the first bishop of Milan and protector of this beautiful city.
Fülle von Klangfarben
02. 11. 2017 comments (0)

Hier eine sehr feine Kritik aus Weimar anlässlich der Deutschen Erstaufführung von Rodion Shchedrins 4.Klavierkonzert.
German premiere of Rodion Shchedrin 's 4th piano concerto
27. 10. 2017 comments (0)

I am very happy and proud to perform Rodion Shchedrin´s 4th Piano Concerto again - this time it is going to be the German premiere of this phenomenal piece - and I can´t wait to work together on it with wonderful Kirill Karabits and the Staatskapelle Weimar!
68th Viotti Piano Competition Vercelli
26. 10. 2017 comments (0)

It was not only an honor, but also a pleasure to listen to so much great music by the contestants of the 68th Viotti Competition and being a part of a jury that was so well balanced and making decisions in harmony and in mutual sense of responsibility.
05. 04. 2017 comments (0)

Arrived. Dmitri Dmitrijewitsch and his big cinema music - 1st Piano Concerto - greeting Ludwig van Beethoven in Warsaw.
Gulbenkian Orchestra and Maestro Hannu Lintu
15. 03. 2017 comments (0)

So happy to have worked togehter with the extraordinary musicicans of the Gulbenkian Orchestra and cool-tivated Maestro Hannu Lintu!
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