
12. 12. 2003

Wiener Zeitung (Christoph Irrgeher)

From full of expression to pleasing

"With intensive expression"- according to Ravel himself this is how one must play the second of his eight Valses nobles et sentimentales.

The pianist Anika Vavic audibly took this admonition to heart- and that for almost the entire span of the program which she performed on Wednesday in the series" Rising Stars".

In Haydn`s Sonata such an approach can lead to self-willed results: With a broad gesture the girl from Belgrade begins by transforming this original classical genius into a languishing romantic. After such a solemn introduction Vavic fortunately turns time back an epoch-and then the graceful work can flow freely. With a feater like touch in the pillar movements, sensuosly singing articulation in the Andante. No less light then Scriabin`s Four Pieces ( Op. 51): Some of the Russian`s highly sensitive poetry glimmers through the delicate fog-however, his gloomy chasms remain untouched.

What Vavic commands is a shimmering, beautiful sound, full of heartfelt passion, which well becomes Ravel`s Valses nobles et sentimentales but conducts Bach`s English Suite for Piano No.3 on to a complaisant incline: She approaches the Baroque master more aesthetically than analytically, the happy synthesis of wich succeeds only as of the Gigue, where , in spite of a rich sound in the Presto, clearly contoured counterpoint abounds from the grand piano. Energetically the "Rising Star" adds afterwards Prokofjew`s Sonata No. 6- and can take delight in the intensive ovations.

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